A Travellerspoint blog

Sweden and Denmark and hockey, oh my! - getting ready

rain 3 °C

It’s good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. We are usually the master of our own schedule and seek out the quiet and solitude of camping in the wilderness but this trip is going to be different. We are traveling to the Swedish city of Gothenburg to watch the Canadian under 20 Junior hockey tournament during the Christmas holidays. Unlike our usual trips, which are less planned, more wilderness, and fewer cities, this trip will take us to the cities of Copenhagen and Gothenburg, and enjoying our time with 1000 other Canadian junior hockey fans.

We have a list of things we’d like to see in the cities, but really it’s the experience of seeing a different part of the world in a very different way that we are excited for. We are traveling by plane from Toronto to Gothenburg with a transfer in Amsterdam. And we will travel by train to Copenhagen for a short 24 hour stay. Copenhagen has always been a place I would like to visit. Danny Kay Hans Christian Anderson in the movie I watched when I was little always stuck in my mind.

We will have tickets to all of the Canadian hockey games, as well as the other teams in our pool and that will keep us busy many days. But we have a couple of other special things planned, and since Gothenburg is said to be a very walkable city, we will be spending a lot of time roaming around on foot as long as the winter weather is not too bitter.
I will hope to write every few days and include some of the photos we take along the way. The next two weeks will be about packing and celebrating with family an early Christmas. I hope as always, you’ll come along for the ride.

Posted by blgracey 20:05 Archived in Canada

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Have a great, safe trip cheering on our boys!

by Kev

This sounds wonderful! As a junior hockey fan myself, I did see a game a few years ago in Toronto - but I can't imagine the excitement of being there at the tourney for the whole time - and seeing so many games... GO CANADA!

by Jane

I am sure you are going to have a great time!

by Ils1976

Welcom to Europe btw! :)

by Ils1976

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